Restful & Contemplative Floral Bridal Inspira...

Restful & Contemplative Floral Bridal Inspiration

Organic Bridal Inspiration

One of our dearest wishes for The White Wren is that it would reflect more than just weddings—that it would be a reflection of marriage in all its lovely corners and tattered edges. Weddings give a home to innumerable talents and visions, are the source of lasting memory, and serve as a public declaration of enduring affection, but above all else they are an incredibly beautiful celebration of a far more beautiful covenant. Marriage is that far more beautiful covenant, but it’s beauty doesn’t lie in perfection. What makes marriage so beautiful is that it is dirty, and messy, and so unbelievably selfless—and that care, that sacrifice and choice, can come from nowhere else but the purest of light.

It’s with great mindfulness for this truth that photographer Ashley Upchurch brought our next feature to life: a beautiful portrayal of bridal contemplation on this, her wedding day.

From the photographer, Ashley Upchurch:

“The message behind this shoot is directed towards brides. All too often the emphasis is placed on the actual wedding day itself with it’s beautiful florals, stunning cakes, and immaculate place settings. While these elements help create an unforgettable wedding day, they are fleeting. With this shoot we wanted to emphasize the importance of a bride preparing for her marriage, specifically for her groom. First, she must reflect – reflect on who she is and the journey she is about to embark on (the love letter). Does she love herself? Loving yourself frees you from self-doubt allowing you to be open to love your spouse unconditionally. Second, she must prepare – prepare herself for her groom (the hair & makeup/preparation). Marriage is sacred and something that should not be taken lightly, and she can save her marriage by preparing and gaining understanding. Once she understands that love is a decision, she has gained knowledge. You decide to love them in the good and the bad because, in all honesty, they will let you down. Third, she must come and bring her best (the final product – the bride ready to present herself). Marriage is a lot of give and take, but realizing that you must do more giving and less taking is key. Respecting and serving your spouse in a loving manner will set yourself up for a strong marriage.” 

Floral Bridal Inspiration Organic Bridal Inspiration Floral Bridal Inspiration Organic Bridal Inspiration Floral Bridal Inspiration Organic Bridal Inspiration Floral Bridal Inspiration Organic Bridal Inspiration Floral Bridal Inspiration Organic Bridal Inspiration Floral Bridal Inspiration Organic Bridal Inspiration Floral Bridal Inspiration Organic Bridal Inspiration Floral Bridal Inspiration Organic Bridal Inspiration Floral Bridal Inspiration Organic Bridal Inspiration Floral Bridal Inspiration Organic Bridal Inspiration Floral Bridal Inspiration Organic Bridal Inspiration

photographer: Ashley Upchurch Photography / venue: Elle James Bridal Boutique / stylist & designer: Ashley Upchurch / floral designer: The Petaler Co. / dress boutique: Elle James Bridal / dress designer: Liancarlo / hair & makeup artist: Molly Gee / robe: Girl with a Serious Dream from Arabella / paper goods: Sarah B Calligraphy / model: Mary Lane Pinckernell from JEA Models / film lab: Richard Photo Lab

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