Cozy At Home Lifestyle Anniversary Session: Sarah ...

Cozy At Home Lifestyle Anniversary Session: Sarah & Ian

Cozy At Home Lifestyle Anniversary Session

Oh my heart is so full with this next little session! We are firm believers that marriage should be honored beyond day one, that there is such gentle beauty in two souls running the good race, and that beauty should be documented! Anniversary sessions have become a personal favorite—it’s so lovely to see couples celebrate doing life together years into their journey, so enchanting to see years of understanding and affection in their eyes. It’s this kind of seasoned love that absolutely radiates throughout Sarah & Ian’s cozy anniversary session with Kaylee Sorrells Photography!

From Kaylee Sorrells Photography:

“Ian & Sarah wanted to celebrate their 3 year wedding anniversary by staying in and having a cozy in home session. I arrived at their home in Birmingham, AL & they greeted me with open arms. Being invited into a clients intimate space can be scary at first but this session was a dream. Sarah is the owner of True North Paper Co. where she creates beautiful calligraphy pieces from wedding invitation suites to home decor prints. I was beyond excited to see she had hand written their vows from their wedding day. Sarah also wrote a beautiful love note to Ian & during the session they shared a special moment together reading those pieces to one another. The rest of the session they spent time doing some of their favorite things from chatting & sipping tea (coffee for Ian) to enjoying some fruit & cheese in the kitchen.

Sarah & Ian’s love for one another was so apparent and you could see how much they enjoyed each other during the entire session. I was beyond grateful to document this special time in their lives.”

Cozy At Home Lifestyle Anniversary Session Lifestyle Anniversary Session Cozy At Home Lifestyle Anniversary Session Lifestyle Anniversary Session

From Sarah & Ian:

Describe a hurdle you had to overcome in your relationship.

“The biggest hurdle we had to overcome was the distance we were apart. Our entire dating and engagement period was spent in two different countries. We met while attending Bible school in Germany and didn’t start dating until a year and a half later. By that time, Ian, who’s originally from Maryland, was going to school down in Birmingham, Alabama, and I was going to school up in Canada (where I am from). We’d spent hours talking on the phone, writing letters and Skyping, but man oh man, and as much as we tried to make the most of it, long distance dating is hard no matter what! We both tried to be intentional about connecting with each other, but also with the community that was immediately around us. We didn’t want to live our dating relationship so tied up in one another that we missed out on the opportunities and friendships that were around us. It was definitely a balancing act that took sacrifice and in no way was perfect, but when we look back at that time we’re both glad that we are able to have memories of our dating relationship and our University experiences. That being said, I’m definitely glad that we’re done with the long distance now!”

What is your favorite thing about each other?

Sarah: “One my favourite things about Ian is that he’s got this incredibly goofy side which I adore. To put it plainly, he’s hilarious. He knows how to make me laugh and how to lighten the mood – a lot of our time together is spent just laughing with each other. He knows exactly how to use that goofy side in a way that brightens my day, and shows me he cares.”

Ian: “I can be pretty ridiculous sometimes, but for some reason, Sarah tends to just laugh with me—or at me—regardless, it’s pretty endearing. But if it’s not her laughing at me, I will most likely be rolling my eyes at one of gazillion puns that she creates out of thin air or laughing at her attempted dance moves / Bollywood class remnants. We have a lot of fun together, and I love how comfortable we are around each other.”

Cozy At Home Lifestyle Anniversary Session Lifestyle Anniversary Session Cozy At Home Lifestyle Anniversary Session Lifestyle Anniversary Session Cozy At Home Lifestyle Anniversary Session Lifestyle Anniversary Session Cozy At Home Lifestyle Anniversary Session Lifestyle Anniversary Session

What is the best thing you’ve learned from one another?

Sarah: “Ian’s a go-getter, whereas I can tend to shy away more from opportunities. He’s taught me so much about challenging myself and pushing myself to my full capabilities. I wouldn’t be where I am today in my calligraphy business and life if it wasn’t for him believing in me and encouraging me to continue moving forward.” 

Ian: “Sarah has this gentle intentionality about her that continually challenges me to slow down and focus. It is this, along with her subtle determination, that constantly keeps me on my toes and pushes me to want to be a better husband and a better friend. These qualities shine through in everything she touches, and I’m constantly both amazed and challenged by her.”

If you had one piece of advice for other couples, what would it be?

“It takes teamwork. Love is way more than a feeling, it’s a commitment to stand by that other person in the good and the bad, to support and encourage them. You aren’t on two different sides when you’re in love, you’re on a team.” 

Cozy At Home Lifestyle Anniversary Session Lifestyle Anniversary Session Cozy At Home Lifestyle Anniversary Session Lifestyle Anniversary Session Cozy At Home Lifestyle Anniversary Session Lifestyle Anniversary Session Lifestyle Anniversary Session

photographer: Kaylee Sorrells Photography / calligraphy: True North Paper Co.

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  1. So thankful for this feature! =)

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