A Farmhouse Family Session

Today we are taking a peek inside the farmhouse with the Miller family, and their lovely family session celebrating their life together!

What’s your favorite family pastime together?

Our favorite family pastime together is our daily walks! We live in a 300 year old farmhouse and have a big white lab dog. We take him and Annie on walks multiple times a day and play in our backyard. Annie loves to throw our dog, River, the ball or ride in her car next to River on his walks. Being outside is a good reset for everyone!

Any lessons you learned as a family through the last year?

This year has been all about balance for our family! Annie turned one and became active and Craig and I are both working. We have learned to have peace in the chaos. We find the little things that bring us joy and make sure to include that in all of our days!

What does family mean to you?

Family means people that know you inside and out and love you just as you are. Family feels like home and lets you truly be yourself. We build each other up!

What are the best things you’ve learned from each other?

Craig and I have very opposite personalities but they compliment each other so well. Craig is very reserved and likes to observe others around him. I am extremely extroverted and get energy from being around people. We have both learned how to slow down and how to branch out of our comfort zone from spending time together. We hope that our daughter, Annie, is the perfect combination of the two of us!

If you had one piece of advice for other families, what would it be?

Our best advice for other families is to find community, it doesn’t fall on your lap! We have reached out to neighbors that have kids similar age as Annie and created a fun community where we live. We also joined a social play group to meet other mom’s and kids in similar stages. Don’t forget about community as husband and wife as well. We prioritize date nights and each have our own interests. I am active in a weekly bible study and Craig is on a soccer team. Surrounding our family with friends has made the parenting journey a lot easier!

Photographer: McKenzie Fairclough

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