Carolina Love: Lee & Emily

UNC Engagement Inspiration

There’s much to be said for honoring where you came from, giving roots and beginnings their due tribute — and for a relationship so deeply founded on campus, there was no other place for this engagement session! Lee & Emily’s love found its feet amongst the Carolina Blue streets of UNC, and it’s only fitting we should find them there, celebrating this exciting season of their lives! 

A word from photographer Alayna Kaye Fox of Alayna Kaye Photography:

“Emily and Lee both went to UNC for college, they met at the legendary Top Of the Hill, and they even got engaged on campus, so how could we NOT do their engagement photos there!? We started the session at the Old Well was the most perfect Fall weather, and the colorful leaves were just perfection in the evening sunlight. 

After we were done at the Old Well, we explored campus a little bit, and they took me to the spot where Lee proposed. They changed their outfits about half way through and we decided to head towards the arboretum to the more natural part of campus. We found the most perfect little spot with a gorgeous big tree and a few yellow wildflowers for them to dance in. We finished up the session by a another orange tree off a secluded path. Every time I wander the UNC Chapel Hill campus, I find more and more beautiful little spots! 

I cannot wait to photograph Emily and Lee’s wedding at Revolution Mills in Greensboro next Fall!”

Love notes from the couple, Lee & Emily: 

How did you two meet? What were your first impressions of one another?

Emily: “Lee and I met at the end of our junior year at UNC Chapel Hill. We met at the restaurant/brewery Top of the Hill, which is a classic UNC spot in downtown Chapel Hill! Lee proposed in Chapel Hill and our families surprised us for a lunch to celebrate at Top Of the Hill. It will always be a very special place for us.”

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Tell us a funny story relating to relationship!

Emily: “Lee is an avid golfer, he enjoys playing golf and watching golf. The night that Lee and I met I told him that golf ‘wasn’t a sport.’ As a former HS basketball/volleyball player, I had never thought of golf in that way. I have since definitely retracted that statement, but he always likes to remind me that I said that haha!”

What is your favorite thing about each other?

Lee: “Her compassion for others, both in life and in her career.”

Emily: “His positive outlook and spirit on everything — he is always in a good mood and therefore makes me in a good mood too!”

What was your favorite part about planning your wedding?

Emily: “The honeymoon! Haha! In all seriousness, I have really enjoyed our photographer the most. I loved our engagement session, and will cherish those pictures forever. I can’t wait until I get to see the photos from our wedding day!”

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What is the best thing you’ve learned from one another?

Emily: “Lee and I have been dating for almost six years — beginning in college to now adulthood. I truly feel like we have done a lot of ‘growing up’ together and have grown a lot in our relationship over the years. We have learned a lot about patience, trust, compassion, friendship, understanding, and love. We continue to learn from each other each and every day!”

If you had one piece of advice for other couples, what would it be?

Emily: “I think that the most important piece of advice for other couples for much of the wedding process is to trust your instinct. I think often you will know when something is right — this is true for finding your spouse, wedding dress, venue, etc. Trust your instinct!”

What is the most honest thing you can say about love?

Emily: “I think the most honest thing about love and life, is that you truly have to be best friends & respect each other first and foremost in order for your relationship to be successful. Marriage truly is a partnership for life. My favorite quote about love is: ‘I love you for all that you are, all that you have been, and all that you will be.'”

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photographer: Alayna Kaye Photography / venue: UNC Chapel Hill / film lab: The Find Lab

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