The Burris Family was so beautifully captured in the comfort of their home as the played and snuggled during this sweet lifestyle session. With no pressure to preform the little ones were all smiles and giggles as their parents engaged with them in such a natural and fun way!
Any lessons you learned as a family through the last year? Don’t get too caught up in the “big stuff” and overlook the small stuff. The small things compound and overtime and turn into the big things. Choose to love each other well and lean into each other, even on the difficult days. Decide to show up anyway, with your marriage, children, and friendships. Don’t wait for the “perfect” recipe, make the meal, don’t wait for the “perfect” activity, play with your kids. Waiting for the perfect moment will cause you to miss out on so much.
What are the best things you’ve learned from each other? Tre has taught us to dream so big, even you are a little nervous. Be willing to work hard and trust in your abilities, regardless of the thoughts of those around you. Selah is fierce and wild, she can run the entire house with her energy. She keeps us bold and always on our toes, I think she pushes all of us to have more fun and love deeply. Huxley is pure happiness, calm, and confident. She is always smiling and always along for whatever ride we through her on. She grounds us and reminds us to slow down, which we often forget to!
What’s your favorite family pastime together? Having meals together and playing outside are when we are at our happiest. When we end the days with dirty feet, full bellies, and a sparkle in our eyes, it was a great day. Including our girls in day to day activities, like cooking and leading our walks outside, can add challenges but always overwhelms us with joy and laughter. There is something so therapeutic and connecting when spending time in the kitchen and time outdoors together.
While I was brainstorming ideas for this family’s photos, I was thinking a lot about what in our lives communicates comfort. To me, family is comfort. So, in my images, I try to communicate that. One of the things that came to mind for me was the idea of being cozy and comfortable in bed. And voila! The idea of the girls playing in the sheets while Tre and Stephanie threw the sheets over them was born. I texted Stephanie to give her the heads up, and she was all in! This was my third time working with this family, and possibly my favorite. Mom AND Dad are always so engaged in the photos and give it their all for the full time of the session, and you can always feel that in the end result of their images! -Morgan Williams Photography
What have you recently done to put family as a major focus in your life? We decided early on that I would stay home with the kids, the little years can be so tough and they are also fleeting. It’s always a point in our house to sit down for meals together and to have open and usually silly conversation. Since Huxley was born, Tre and I really prioritize giving the girls individual time with each of us.
Tell us a fun or silly story that happened to your family recently! Our home is always loud and chaotic. A funny comment or joke is made every other minute. Selah is a big fan of cats and dogs and most recently loves to “play kitty” and crawl around on her hands and kneed and meow. It would not be uncommon to walk in our house and find all four of us crawling around the floor and meowing at each other!
What does family mean to you? Family is something that can often be hard to put into adequate words. Outside of faith, it is the purest and most intimate parts of you. A place where all voices and feelings can be heard. You can challenge each other and fight with each other, and in the next breath you are laughing so hard and smiling so big it hurts. The people in your home shape you so much. From sharing meals and beds together to sharing jokes and the occasional toothbrush, memories and bonds that will last a lifetime are created.
If you had one piece of advice for other families, what would it be? Find the magic in every day. Not everyday is going to be easy or perfect, a lot of days can feel long and monotonous, but each day there is always a moment of magic. From a small baby giggle to a glimpse of the wonderful person you’re raising, try to focus on that part of the day. Talk less, listen more. Show your children respect rather than demanding it, and watch how they blossom right before you.
Photographer: Morgan Williams
Film Lab: Photovision
Georgia Wedding Photographer & Mom.