Cool Modern Bridal Inspiration

Cool vibes for your Thursday morning bridal inspiration! We love this shoot because of how versatile it is. From lingerie and lounge wear to beautiful gowns and wedding dresses, we get a glimpse into all that this day could be. We love the accessories and we especially love the snacks in bed pictures because we all know those are a necessity sometimes. Notice the gorgeous array of vibes and styles while keeping cool and modern tones all the way through this bridal shoot. Enjoy! Photographer Liza Litvinovich / Venue Studio Rasfokus / Stylist / Planner / Designer “Celebrity” Events / Floral Designer Lavanda / Dress Boutique KURAJE / Dress Designer KURAJE / Cake Designer Kate Nemtseva / Makeup Artist Anna Raubo / Hair Stylist Anna Raubo / Accessories / Decor Zara Home / Film Lab Carmencita Film Lab / Model Kris from MaOZ Agency / Paintings by Artist Mari Skakun / Assistant Nina Teseyko

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The White Wren