Charming & Joyful Lavender Farm Couples Sessi...

Charming & Joyful Lavender Farm Couples Session: Yia & Mai Ka

Lavender Farm Couples Session

Oh, we have such love for this next little session! The only thing more blissful than a sweet couple celebrating their love with gorgeous photographs is one that’ll throw in some real talk about marriage along with it! Yia & Mai Ka spent a heavenly afternoon with Splendid Musings Photography, surrounded by fragrant lavender fields and cloaked in joyful affection. What a lovely way to honor a true and steadfast love!

From Samantha Stortecky of Splendid Musings Photography:

“Mai Ka and Yia wanted some updated couples images of them! We discovered this beautiful lavender farm that had just opened up around Devil’s Lake Wisconsin and we asked the owners if they’d be willing to let us photograph around their farm. It was cloudy for most of the session but at the very end the sun peeked out for us so we could get a few sunset pictures around the lavender. There were a ton of friendly bees flying around us, the farm owners are also bee keepers for honey. The whole place smelled amazing and was so beautiful! At the end of the visit, the farm owners allowed us to take a lavender plant home for us to grow on our own!…This was such a fun and sweet session to do.”

Lavender Farm Couples Session Lavender Field Engagement Lavender Farm Couples Session Lavender Field Engagement Lavender Farm Couples Session

From the couple, Yia & Mai Ka:

What is your favorite thing about each other?

Mai Ka: “Though there are so many things I adore about Yia, one of my favorites is that he is always continuously pursuing me. Whether it’s the love songs that he sings during car rides, midnight grocery runs for ice cream, or slow dance sessions in the kitchen. He knows exactly how to bring joy into my world, and I couldn’t be more blessed.”

Yia: “Mai Ka has a way of making me want to be the best version of myself; the way she chases her dreams, her empathy and her values, her guidance in our marriage, and most of all always looking out for my best interest (aka making sure I have a full belly). All that and more makes me want to continue to be a better person each day…”

Lavender Field Engagement Lavender Farm Couples Session Lavender Field Engagement Lavender Farm Couples Session Lavender Field Engagement Lavender Farm Couples Session Lavender Field Engagement Lavender Farm Couples Session

What is the most important thing in your marriage?

“The most important thing in a marriage is not about being happy all the time because happiness comes and goes. When things get tough, make the choice to show up, be there and stay around. Because when you’re in love, you’re on the same team, and teammates support and encourage each other through the good and the bad.”

If you had one piece of advice for other couples, what would it be?

“Value your time together but also recognize that it’s okay to be apart. Don’t stop being yourself just because you’re a couple. Continue to pursue the things that make you feel good about yourself, the activities that fire your soul to keep you alive. Being your best self allows you to be your best when you’re together.”

What is the most honest thing you can say about love?

“Honestly, love is simple. Loving your person should be easy.”

Lavender Field Engagement Lavender Farm Couples Session Lavender Field Engagement Lavender Farm Couples Session Lavender Field Engagement Lavender Farm Couples Session

photographer: Splendid Musings Photography / venue: Devil’s Lake Lavender / film lab: PhotoVision Prints

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  1. Thank you guys so much for featuring my work, you guys are the best!!

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