Matthew & Cassia’s California Dreaming ...

Matthew & Cassia’s California Dreaming Wedding

Matthew and Cassia, like many couples in 2020 – had the make the hard decision for their wedding day. To postpone or not to postpone? In the end, they decided to go for it with a smaller ceremony with 10 guests, and have their wedding reception / party in 2021. They added live streaming for those who couldn’t attend, and are looking forward to partying this year with their family and friends in person!

We actually featured their engagement session online on The White Wren, and loved telling their story of how they met. We were tickled to be able to share their wedding day story in our print magazine this year as well!

How did you two meet? What were your first impressions of one another?

*Cassia: We met each other at a work function, and we were fast friends! Matthew was someone that I instantly felt comfortable talking with and since the beginning of our relationship has always been charming. He goes by “knight” to his friends and in his gaming username online but he truly is my knight in shining armor!

*Matthew: At a table full of top executive leadership, Cassia and I found ourselves getting wrapped up in each other’s conversations. My first true moment meeting Cassia was seeing her true joy when we were casually hunting for Pokémon together in my car. Cassia excitedly yelled there was a Pikachu, and instantly, the emergency brake was pulled and the car had completed a full 180 degree turn. Just as quickly as we turned, we sped towards the infamous yellow mouse, quickly descending upon a moment that I would never forget. That was the first time she was simultaneously upset, and beyond gleeful with me.

Work function indeed! She arrived late and left early! At a work dinner, we chatted about anime, board games, and distant travels. Each accompanying topic was found with more overlapping stories and inspired histories. Time seemed to stop with every conversation. Cassia puts all of herself into every moment, and from my first moments meetings her, I knew she was an epiphany of goodness and light in this world.

Tell us a funny story relating to your wedding day or relationship!

*Cassia: Where to begin!? I think a funny somewhat telling story is the time I dropped a dryer on Matthew…we were moving in the middle of the summer in the heat of August in North Carolina and the VERY last item in the truck was the dryer. Matthew suggested we take a break and catch our breath – and of course I pushed and pressed us to finish up the unloading! As we were mid-way up the stairs, my hands started to slip and before I could say anything the entire dryer completely dropped onto Matthew. We some how manage to get it up the stairs and suddenly there was blood puddling like a crime scene!! Matthew – cool as a cucumber – calms me down, as I am frantically running for keys, crying, and looking for a towel for his leg. An urgent hospital visit & 6 stitches later… Matthew was thankfully okay and well – let’s just say you want Matthew by your side in an emergency, and I’m a great packer and organizer when it comes to moving!😅

*Matthew: The California Redwood forest and Old Faithful Geyser – Some of my favorite trips are viewing the nature of the world. Although mother nature is no Disney, Cassia always has very high expectations of what the world will provide. During our first 6 hour trip to the Redwood forest, I had let Cassia know that these were the tallest trees in the world, and that they were taller than the Statue of Liberty! Somewhere there was a miscommunication, and she interpreted the trees as being as BIG as the Statue of Liberty… Alas, our second trip to the Redwood forest included visiting the Chandelier Tree which has enough room for an entire car to drive through! Only an extra 8 hours and a flight to the other side of California to see the same type of trees, but bigger!

Old Faithful… Oh hmm… Well again, I didn’t describe well enough that this amazing feature found only in a few places of the world is not necessarily known for being the most explosive of fixtures, but rather a consistently timed naturally occurring geyser that shoots water ~150 feet into the air. It isn’t quite the size and grandeur of a Disney World of Color show, but mother nature may have provided some of the inspiration! Cassia, was again, not quite as impressed.

Describe a hurdle you had to overcome in your relationship or during your wedding planning.

*Cassia: Well this certainly has not been what we expected with the impact of COVID19, but like many couples we had to make a decision… to postpone or not to postpone. But then, we came up with he idea to do the ceremony this year with a live stream, with a closed guest count of 10 per the COVID19 safety recommendations and the reception next year in 2021! We didn’t postpone the love – but we postponed the party! We are going to be hosting a 1-year wedding anniversary celebration and will be opening the anniversary capsule that we are making during our ceremony this year, and it’s when we plan to party and celebrate with our family and friends.

*Matthew: With COVID19 crushing most of our families travel plans, we were initially devastated. Close friends, family members, and even my mother won’t be able to attend, but despite the circumstances, we are going to stream the ceremony, and have even include special virtual moments specifically for family that won’t be able to attend.

Any special ways you incorporated your family or family history into your wedding day?

*Cassia: During these last few months we have had to be more creative with communication and gatherings – and have had to adapt to virtual calls during this time! We decided to schedule a few Zoom Virtual Engagement Parties – and hosted one for the Korean side of my family! We prepared a special surprise for my grandparents and did the traditional bowing ceremony to show respect and our love for them.

What part of your wedding day was / is most important to you?

*Cassia: To me it is the entire intention of the day. The whole purpose of professing our love, committing to each other in front of our family and friends, and vowing to each other that we will always stand together by each other’s side. I love the reality that I am getting to live that so many people dream of, wedding your soulmate. I am so excited to stand in front of Matthew as his bride and call him mine.

*Matthew: Two answers – 1) First look – I have waited my entire life to look at my wife for that first moment. To have a glance that I get to keep forever. In every moment, Cassia’s beauty captures my heart, but especially on this day, I’ll breathlessly cherish my chance to have a sneak peek into the beginning of forever. To hold Miss Lewis for the final time, and know that the next time we’re together she’ll be Mrs. Cameron. My entire life I’ve dreamed of this breath for my soul. Knowing that our souls will forever be tied together. 2) Vows – Those moments of speaking our love into existence in front of our friends and family. Both the giving and receiving of our vows, are our moment to share with each other a raw and emblazoned promise to give ourselves to each other. If in so many words I could capture our past, present, and future, then I would have only done half of what I wish I could give to you in our vows. I love you.

What is the best thing you’ve learned from one another?

*Cassia: Matthew is an amazing teacher and has taught me so many things – from cooking and recipes, to how to properly assemble furniture, to some of the advanced programs and platforms I utilize in my career life. But the very best thing he has ever taught me (and is still teaching me) is true love. I know that sounds cheesy – but when I tell you that Matthew shows me his love daily, it’s an understatement. I have never met someone in my life that speaks and acts in love the way Matthew does.

*Matthew: Cassia has inspired me to always believe in myself. That through passion, dedication, and proper planning, anything is possible! Whether it’s traveling the world, developing a business, or exploring Disneyland, every moment that Cassia and I share, we grow together.

What is your favorite thing about each other?

*Cassia: If I had to pick only one to share – my favorite thing about Matthew is how he feels like home. The warm fuzzy, snuggled, safe, and romantic house nestled under a starry night kind of home. BUT Matthew also has the voice of Mickey Mouse and has curls that can make anyone swoon.

*Matthew: I admire Cassia’s drive and pure talent. She is motivated and passionate. Strong and victorious. And through her victories, she remains humble and helps those that can’t always help themselves. She is always an inspiration.

What was your favorite part about planning your wedding?

*Cassia: Doing this together with Matthew was so perfect. Who better to plan your big day with than your best friend and future hubby?! I am really lucky because Matthew was with me every step of the way and it really has been an effort we have worked on together. He has been so extremely thoughtful and excited for this day, and it’s better together in planning our special day!

*Matthew: The moments spent over each detail. I love getting to be privy to all the intricacies of our own celebration! Cassia was previously an amazing wedding planner on the East coast with many clients, so she already had so much structured framework in place, that we were able to enjoy the moments of design and inspiration rather than being caught up in the overwhelming newness of unfamiliar tasks.

If you had one piece of advice for other couples, what would it be?

*Cassia: If you are planning your wedding during this pandemic time period – remember, there is no wrong answer. What you decide is best for you as a couple is the right answer! That was an extremely stressful decision that we really worked through and decided together – and as long as you are in it together as a team, that is all that matters!

*Matthew: Ask questions, work with your community! We have had the great opportunity to work with some amazing vendors(@heatherandersonphotography & @rusticevents**) that have pointed us towards the answers we needed. Also, this time period is unprecedented, and when the big day arrives, cherish every second!

What is the most honest thing you can say about love?

*Cassia: Love is daily and constant dedication to each other and each other’s interest. It is friendship, trust, loyalty, and kindness, but it is also patience, strength, wisdom, and respect. I didn’t know what true soulmate love was until I met Matthew – and I genuinely wish everyone finds this kind of love.

Matthew: Love will find you shattered on the ground, and be there to help pick you back up. Through victory and defeat, love is patience.

Listen –  to each other, even when you think you can’t

open –  your heart, and remember to respect each other’s ideas

vow – to give yourself, mind and body, to each other

explore –  exciting moments with your best friend.


This feature was published in The White Wren Volume 2 – pick up your print copy here! 

Photography: Heather Anderson Photography / Florals: A Flower Chick / Rentals: Rustic Events / Bakery: The Batter up Bakery / Catering: First Class Catering / Music: Lilia Valerie / Videographer: Ryan Films / Shoes: Jimmy Choo / Watch: Movado / Dress Designer: Hayley Paige / Dress Retailer: JLM Boutique / Tux: Bonobos / Headpiece: Dareth Colburn / Rings and Cufflinks: Tiffany and Co.

Publisher at The White Wren

Publisher at The White Wren and Bajan Wed, Award Winning Photography + Videographer at Live View Studios, Dad, 80s music lover, crunchy health advocate


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