Kelsey & Chad in Nova Scotia

Kelsey & Chad in Nova Scotia

Today we are sharing Kelsey & Chad’s engagement session in Nova Scotia. With a fun ice cream stop and a romantic and playful walk along the beach they celebrated their engagement with such joy and love! As they played on the coastline a beautiful rainbow appeared and made for a stunning ending to their session.

What can I say about this extraordinary engagement session with Kelsey and Chad other than that it simply took my breath away. These two found each other at St. Francis Xavier University, and for a few years they lived, loved and adventured in the beautiful parts of Alberta before moving back to Nova Scotia. The adventures they shared in their time out west were beautiful, and of course will continue, but the Atlantic ocean called for Kelsey’s return home, very much like a siren, and her family was so overjoyed to have her and Chad back on the east coast.
On September 3rd. we spent a couple of hours together, and those moments were nothing short of magical. We started out in Mahone Bay, Nova Scotia by the Three Churches, which is known to be one of the most treasured views in all of Canada. We stood at the very spot Chad proposed to Kelsey, a place that is near and dear to Kelsey’s heart in her hometown… there is nothing quite like a place that keeps your most innocent of memories. Of course once we were there, I had to take them to my favourite of places for some ice cream, Oh My Cod, which is right next to the Gazebo– where once upon a time Kelsey would have stood with her childhood friends celebrating her junior prom.
I can only imagine standing in a place that holds so many important moments, in anticipation for one of the most monumental events like marrying your best friend. After our time in Mahone Bay, we drove to Hirtles Beach to catch the sunset, and the sunset came with a surprise that left us speechless. A rainbow in a stunning pink cotton candy sky. They danced in the ocean, twirling and spinning, these warm waves surrounding them into a welcoming embrace, and I just watched this movie; these romantic (Notebook) worthy moments of a love between two people who are so perfect together, in every way.
I am absolutely overjoyed for them, so excited for their big day in July at St. Francis Xavier University. Love stories are like trees, and every year the branches only grow taller, stronger, more plentiful and on very special days, there are both ice cream, and rainbows that take our breath away. – Angelina Obritsch of Average Jane Photography

How did you two meet? What were your first impressions of one another? We were both in our second year of school at St. Francis Xavier University! I remember seeing him during our first week back to school, he was the Vice President of one of the residents and I was part of the Orientation Crew for Frosh week. I immediately saw him from afar and thought he was someone I was interested in.. so I told a mutual friend (Riley) about my interest and he ran with that haha! Next weekend that same friend asked to bring one of his friends to a party we were hosting at our apartment and sure enough.. It was Chad! We ended up all going to the Golden X Inn bar on campus that night, but spent very little of the time with our other friends.. That was over 7 years ago and we will be returning to that same bar in 3 months for our wedding this summer!

Tell us a funny story relating to your wedding day or relationship! We talk about our second year of university being the first year we met, however, that’s not entirely true! Years into our relationship we figured out that we spent an entire 4 months sitting in front of each other during a Philosophy class we were both in.. I guess the universe wanted to give us one more year before introducing us lol!

Describe a hurdle you had to overcome in your relationship or during your wedding planning. Chad grew up in Calgary, Alberta and I grew up in Mahone Bay, Nova Scotia. Being from two different provinces, across Canada, has been hard! We have family and friends on either side and we’ve made moves to both locations. This has definitely been the hardest part of our relationship. I am a teacher who has summer off and Chad is able to work remotely. We are so blessed to have these careers because it enables us to spend time in both provinces with both sides of our family. Would it be easier if we had found someone in our own province? Definitely haha! But then we wouldn’t have each other or this love that makes every plane ride so worth it.

Any special ways you incorporated your family or family history into your wedding day? Chad’s family is from Alberta and my family is from Nova Scotia! So we are having celebrations at both locations. In Nova Scotia we are having our full wedding and then we are also having a reception in Calgary for those unable to travel. This ensures that both of our families have the opportunity to celebrate with us, regardless of where they are located.. Also two opportunities to dance!!

What part of your wedding day was/is most important to you? We haven’t had our wedding yet, but right now i’d say we’re most looking forward to the celebration part after the ceremony and dinner is over hahaha! Having everyone in the same space and celebrating with the people that mean the most to us is so important.

What is the best thing you’ve learned from one another? Chad is the most patient, understanding, easy going person I’ve ever met. He has taught me all of these virtues and more. We started dating when we were 19 years old.. A lot of learning has been had over the years and I feel like we’ve been true partners for each other through everything.

What is your favorite thing about each other? Chad’s answer: “I just love everything about you!!! There isn’t just one thing that’s my favorite because it’s all of you that I love, not one thing more than the other. Is that cliche to say? I don’t care!”

Kelsey’s answer: “I’ve never trusted someone so much with my whole being as I trust Chad, and I love that he gives me that feeling of peace. He’s so kind to his family, he’s so kind to his friends, he’s even kind to strangers and kindness is so important to me. He’s just such a good person and he has the best heart.”

What was your favorite part about planning your wedding? We’re three months out so this might totally be jinxing it lol but we’ve really enjoyed the planning part! We have been lucky to work with so many great people (Lina being just one), and everyone we’ve worked with has made the experience so easy for us so far! We also love that both of our families and friends have helped us so much (already.. With MUCH more to come lol!!) Everyone has been so easy going and just wants this day to go perfect for us and we really appreciate them so much for that. The planning has yet again showed how lucky we both are to have such great people in our lives!

If you had one piece of advice for other couples, what would it be? Before finding Chad I rolled my eyes at “marry your best friend”. I thought it was a cliche phrase that people said when someone asked for advice. I still think it’s cliche.. But now I get it. Chad is my partner, my love, my person to cry to, laugh with and challenge. We trust each other in every capacity possible. Chad is my best friend. Don’t settle for less. Find your best friend and then marry him.

What is the most honest thing you can say about love? Love looks different for everyone, but once you’ve found it, once you’ve found someone who is truly the other part of you, you’ll know. Then do everything in your power to never let that person go.

Photographer: Angelina Obritsch of Average Jane Photography
Venue: Mahone Bay, Nova Scotia and Hirtles Beach, Nova Scotia
Makeup Artist: Armin Wong Makeup Artistry

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